Hey guys! In This post I am going to show you that how you can make your Jarvis able to take Screenshot!! This is very Interesting! So let's see without any delay!!
Frist open VS Code or Brackets. Then Open back the Jarvis Folder, and then jarvis.py open it! Then in the taskexecution() add any where this elif statement.
Do you want the full Jarvis code? Visit here.
{getButton} $text={View jarvis full code} $icon={preview} $color={#0080ff}
Screenshot Code:-
#To take Screenshot>>>>>>>>elif 'screenshot' in query:speak('Sir, sir please tell me the name for the screenshot file.')name = takeCommand()#name = input('file name: ')speak('Please sir hold a secound. I am taking the screenshot')time.sleep(4)img = pyautogui.screenshot()img.save(f'{name}.png')speak('Screenshot has been saved! Now i am ready for next command.')#End>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
You can add this code in between of the taskexecution() .
So that it guys! Hope you like it! If you liked it then please hit the Red Subscribe Button On YouTube and like this video. Thank you! Good Bye!!
You can see and copy the full JARVIS code here:-
{getButton} $text={View jarvis full code} $icon={preview} $color={#0080ff}